How does one find whether one is progressing on spiritual path?

I often think about this question as how does one finds out if one is going in the right direction or one is just making castle in the air. Vedic Sages have mentioned six qualities called as Shat Sampati.
The first one is Sama. What does Sama means?

Sama means equanimity, calm steadiness and serenity. Sometimes it might seem that some people are born with it. They carry this calm steadiness where ever they go and some people just create chaos where ever they are. But why  Sama is so important?

Life is uncertain, every moment things change. People change, places change and times change, everything changes. So how does one deals with this uncertainty of life?
To be in Sama means that you become a tree which is rooted firmly, its root are deep and it can stand any storm. It doesn't mean that you become like a stone but you change your perspective towards what is happening in your life and around you.

A yoga practice should develop this quality of Sama in the practitioner. Without a mind that is steady and calm you can never see the situation clearly. Water must become quite before you want to see the what lies at the bottom. When the sky is clear its easy to see the stars.

In Ramayan, when Rama is about to be made to be king, just before that night his mother comes into his chamber and tells him that his father has ordered him to immdiately depart to forest and stay there for forest. Rama is unfurled and unmoved by this sudden change of events, he is in Sama. He knows to expect the unexpected world is the way to live life. He lovingly say to his mother," today i am ecstatic as now i will rule the forest. I have great opportunity to meet the sages, now there will not be any hindrance of running the kingdom. I can live with the Rishis in peace. God's must have been very happy with me as they showered this boon on me."

Forest at that time where filled with beasts, snakes and demons. And here Rama is talking as if he has received great fortune. He is son of a king, born with silver spoon, who's every wish was filled even before he said it and he ha live to live in forest.
 Sama is the fruit control over senses. One who is alway engaged in the pleasure of senses can never develop Sama. To develop Sama, control over senses is must. Our Senses tell us what is pleasure and what is pain. As soon as we sense pain, our
This quality of expecting the unexpected and remaining calm and steady is Sama. This world need the quality of Sama more than anything now. Everyone gets so much disturbed by the slightest discomfort and small changes in their life.
So before we embark on the long journey of finding who we are, its good to check from time to time whether we are in Sama.
