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How does one find whether one is progressing on spiritual path? I often think about this question as how does one finds out if one is going in the right direction or one is just making castle in the air. Vedic Sages have mentioned six qualities called as Shat Sampati. The first one is Sama. What does Sama means? Sama means equanimity, calm steadiness and serenity. Sometimes it might seem that some people are born with it. They carry this calm steadiness where ever they go and some people just create chaos where ever they are. But why  Sama is so important? Life is uncertain, every moment things change. People change, places change and times change, everything changes. So how does one deals with this uncertainty of life? To be in Sama means that you become a tree which is rooted firmly, its root are deep and it can stand any storm. It doesn't mean that you become like a stone but you change your perspective towards what is happening in your life and around you. A yoga pra...

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